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RE: Re: Error when using libssh in a PAM module with OpenSSH

> Why do you link against two libraries which provide the same
> functionality?

I don't. As described in my first message, I am using libssh from within a PAM module
that happens to be also used for ssh authentication. There is no linking involved on my
part and I suspect the libssh from openssh is being 'injected' by LD_PRELOAD or some
other mechanism (when sshd is executed at the start of an ssh session) and I can't do
anything about it. I realize this is an arcance use case.

Now, there is similar functionality in openssh's libssh but it is largely undocumented, the
naming is obscure and I cannot even link to it properly so I had to resort to 'dlopen' etc. 
(Haven't tried for that long, though). Therefore I'd really like to use libssh but I have no idea
how to achieve this short of shared object redirection via fiddling around with ELF internals.

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Re: Error when using libssh in a PAM module with OpenSSHAndreas Schneider <asn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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