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Re:Re:Re: How to achieve a connection to server with OS suse10

Now I call authenticate_console to do auth and the problem is solved. Samplessh don't have this problem. 

-------- 转发邮件信息 --------
发件人:"赵长松" <zhaochangsong_2010@xxxxxxx>
发送日期:2013-01-08 22:03:19
收件人:libssh <libssh@xxxxxxxxxx>
主题:Re:Re: How to achieve a connection to server with OS suse10

-------- Forwarding messages --------
From: "赵长松" <zhaochangsong_2010@xxxxxxx>
Date: 2012-12-29 12:48:30
To: "Aris Adamantiadis" <aris@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:Re: How to achieve a connection to server with OS suse10

I use libssh v0.5.2 on OS Centos 5.8. The target server is suse10 sp1 with openssh 6.0. The default authentication is keyboard-interactive authentication. I have debuged my program.
the call stack is:
After the last function, the auth_state in session turns to SSH_AUTH_SATE_FAILED

在 2012-12-28 21:18:04,"Aris Adamantiadis" <aris@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 写道:
>I'm trying to reproduce the problem, but couldn't have the same error as
>you do.
>Could you please provide more details, like the code you use (can you
>reproduce it with samplessh ?) and a verbose dump (-vvv).
>Please tell which libssh version you're using and on which OS.
>Le 24/12/12 14:15, 赵长松 a écrit :
>>  HI,I write a ssh client with libssh,but I can't establish the
>> connection to server with OS suse10.The value of session->auth_state is

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