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RE: Error when using libssh in a PAM module with OpenSSH
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- Subject: RE: Error when using libssh in a PAM module with OpenSSH
- From: perox@xxxxxxxxxx
- Reply-to: libssh@xxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:08:26 +0200
- To: libssh@xxxxxxxxxx
Sorry, webmail once more f'ed up the formatting. Trying again: Hi, I am currently developing a custom PAM module which performs checks of additional SSH keys. A quickexample:I'm logging in via ssh which is configured to use my PAM module for authentication. In this moduleI'mchecking if the user's SSH keys are valid etc. and allow the login accordingly. I want to use libssh for the key authentication, e.g.'ssh_pki_import_privkey_base64', 'ssh_pki_export_privkey_to_pubkey' and so on. Trying these functions in a testprogram they work fine and act as expected. As soon as I use them from within my PAM module in SSH however,some strange errors occur. Uponcalling 'ssh_pki_import_privkey_base64' syslog tells me 'fatal: key_new: badkey type 728' Searching for this error yields some results from the openssh source (key.c in particular) whichis the default ssh implementation on my system (FreeBSD 10). I played around a little with the libssh source andadded some debug statements in pki.c just before and after 'key = pki_private_key_from_base64(b64_key,passphrase, auth_fn, auth_data);'. The statements before it areprinted but none after it. I also added debugstatements in pki_gcrypt.c, pki_private_key_from_base64() none of which are printed. Strangely, it seems thatpki_private_key_from_base64() is not being called but something else is happening. 'ldd /usr/sbin/sshd' tells methat the first dependency of 'sshd' is a 'libssh.so.5' which contains the key.cemitting the error. I thereforesuppose that 'sshd' somehow gives its own libssh precedence over everythingelse which in turn prevents me fromcalling 'pki_private_key_from_base64()' of the "true" libssh. I have no ideahow this interferes, though. Couldthere be a name clash of some sort? Thanks for any ideas. --- Alle Postfächer an einem Ort. Jetzt wechseln und E-Mail-Adresse mitnehmen! http://email.freenet.de/basic/Informationen
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