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Re: ssh_user_auth_none Permission denied

On Friday 18 March 2016 13:07:06 Tilo Eckert wrote:
> For SSH2, you must set the username before connecting via
>   ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_USER, username);
> The username parameter of ssh_userauth_try_publickey() and all other
> functions must be NULL.
> ssh_userauth_none() will never return SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS unless the SSH
> server does not require any authentication at all. It is only useful to
> query the available authentication methods and usually returns
> SSH_AUTH_DENIED or SSH_AUTH_ERROR if there was a real error.

Tilo is right, you use different usernames during the authentication and the 
server will not allow this.

Andreas Schneider                   GPG-ID: CC014E3D
www.cryptomilk.org                asn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ssh_user_auth_none Permission denied"Sruthi Mohan (RBEI/EIA1)" <Sruthi.Mohan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: ssh_user_auth_none Permission deniedTilo Eckert <tilo.eckert@xxxxxxx>
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