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Re: Nonblocking Behaviour for .NET

On 26/05/2017 12:31, Jason Curl wrote:

I've been reading the APIs and I don't find a solution, nor an example on how to do nonblocking connect, read and write. I'm writing a wrapper for libssh in .NET using C#, so I can't use any API that talks about an fd_set (requires C macros), struct timeval (which changes per OS). It should work on Windows and Linux.

Till now, the only docs I can see is that connect needs to be called more than once. I don't find a way to know when connect is finished (must I really poll? and if so, is there an example somewhere?) I was originally going to write a C-wrapper DLL that handles select() and fd's, but then that won't work on Windows.

Or would it, if I use the WinSock2 functionality under windows, and standard Posix under Linux?

It doesn't appear to work (at least yet)

ssh_set_blocking(session, false);
fd = ssh_get_fd(session);

// Here is where i have a wrapper library to do select(), with the fd returned above in the fd_set for writefds.
FD_SET writefds;
FD_SET(fd, &writefds);
sres = select(fd+1, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &timeout); // returns 1
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &writefds)) rc = ssh_connect(session) // returns -2, indicating EAGAIN.

I don't understand the code too well, but there's only one instance of SSH_AGAIN and that is:
if(!ssh_is_blocking(session) &&!ssh_connect_termination(session)){

Is there a way to know the connect is finished, or do I have to continuously poll with connect?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Nonblocking Behaviour for .NETAris Adamantiadis <aris@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Nonblocking Behaviour for .NETJason Curl <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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