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Re: LibSSH.jl logo

On Tuesday, 9 January 2024 20:45:05 CET James Wrigley wrote:
> Hi there,

Hi James,

> Many thanks for such a nice library! I've recently been writing Julia
> bindings for it.

that's great. I've added them to our website!

> and I wanted to double-check that you (the developers)
> would be ok with me using this logo:
> https://gist.github.com/JamesWrigley/0cba21229103b0d2609ad2a0fbf2c3a5

You will have to wait a bit longer for an answer. I'm in the process to choose 
a license for the logo with the creator. I will let you know as soon as we've 
chosen a license.

> As you can see it's very much inspired by the libssh logo. Possible issues
> I can think of are:
> - It might be breaking some copyright on the original logo?
> - Because they're so similar people might get the impression that it's
> 'affiliated' with libssh. I could add a disclaimer to the docs in that
> case.
> Of course, I'm more than happy to use a completely different logo if you'd
> prefer :)

Let me sort it out, that it is clear what you can do with our logo :-)

Best regards


> Thanks,
> James
> (P.S., the package isn't officially released yet but you can see the WIP
> documentation here: https://jameswrigley.github.io/LibSSH.jl)

Andreas Schneider                 asn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
GPG-ID:     8DFF53E18F2ABC8D8F3C92237EE0FC4DCC014E3D

Re: LibSSH.jl logoJames Wrigley <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
LibSSH.jl logoJames Wrigley <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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