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RE: SSH.dll crash problem
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- Subject: RE: SSH.dll crash problem
- From: Ravikumar Sunkari <Ravikumar.Sunkari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Reply-to: libssh@xxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 09:38:18 +0000
- To: "libssh@xxxxxxxxxx" <libssh@xxxxxxxxxx>
Hi, I missed the CPP file. Regards, Ravi From: Ravikumar Sunkari [mailto:Ravikumar.Sunkari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 3:03 PM To: libssh@xxxxxxxxxx Subject: FW: SSH.dll crash problem Hello, I have developed a SSH server in windows using LIBSSH 0.6.0 DLL. Our testing team has found a bug in the DLL distribution. Attached are the logs and the server code that I have collected during the tests, I am getting VC++ Runtime Library -- "Debug assertion failed". Can anyone help on this, Please guide me and also let me know how can I setup windows project to debug ssh.dll Thanks & Regards, Ravi
/* ebpsshd.c compile: gcc -g -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O0 -o ebpsshd `pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0` -I/home/jeetu/utils/libssh/libssh-project/include ebpsshd.c -L/home/jeetu/utils/libssh/libssh-project/build/src -lssh -L/home/jeetu/utils/libssh/libssh-project/build/src/threads -lssh_threads -lgthread-2.0 */ /*#include<iostream> using namespace std;*/ #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <vector> #include <map> using namespace std; #include <libssh/libssh.h> #include <libssh/server.h> #include <libssh/callbacks.h> //#include <unistd.h> //#include <string.h> //#include <stdio.h> //#include <glib.h> //#include <stdlib.h> //#include <errno.h> //#include <poll.h> #include "poll.h" //#include <sys/types.h> //#include <sys/socket.h> #include <WinSock2.h> //#include <netdb.h> //#include <fcntl.h> #include <Windows.h> //#include <io.h> #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") //#include "key.h" //jeetu - temporary hardcoded key #ifndef KEYS_FOLDER #ifdef _WIN32 #define KEYS_FOLDER "C:\\Users\\inrasun3\\.ssh\\" #define AUTHORIZED_KEYS "C:\\Users\\inrasun3\\.ssh\\ssh_host_dsa_key" #else #define KEYS_FOLDER "/home/jeetu/tmp/" //jeetu - temporary #define AUTHORIZED_KEYS "/home/jeetu/tmp/authorized_keys" #endif #endif typedef void* gpointer; #define MAX_X11_AUTH_PROTO_STR_SZ 18 #define MAX_X11_AUTH_COOKIE_STR_SZ 50 //jeetu - all hardcoded defines; should probably figure out how these values came to be in the orig openssh code #define MAX_DISPLAYS 1000 #define NI_MAXSERV 32 #define NUM_SOCKS 10 #define SSH_LISTEN_BACKLOG 128 #define SSHD_USER "INRASUN3" #define SSHD_PASSWORD "libssh" fd_set g_ReadSet, g_WriteSet, g_ExceptSet; void InitSets(SOCKET ListenSocket) ; int pubkey_auth(char* pk64); int auth_password(const char *user, const char *password); struct Context { ssh_session session; ssh_channel channel; int shell; bool bAuthenticated; }; struct BindContext { ssh_bind sshbind; ssh_session session; }; void ssh_bind_callaback_function_r(ssh_bind bind, void *userdata) { BindContext* bc = static_cast<BindContext*>(userdata); SOCKET sSock = ssh_get_fd(bc->session); } //bool iAuthenticated = false; int message_callback(ssh_session session, ssh_message message, void *data) { Context* ctx = static_cast<Context*>(data); // .... processes message and sets the channel member in the ctx struct in reaction for SSH_REQUEST_CHANNEL_OPEN msg type ssh_string pubkey = NULL; char *pk64 = NULL; int signature_state = SSH_PUBLICKEY_STATE_NONE; //ctx->channel = 0; //ctx->shell = 0; if(!message) return 0; printf("\n message received = %d", ssh_message_type(message)); //if(!ctx->bAuthenticated) { switch(ssh_message_type(message)) { case SSH_REQUEST_AUTH: { int iSubType = ssh_message_subtype(message); switch(ssh_message_subtype(message)) { case SSH_AUTH_METHOD_NONE: ssh_message_auth_set_methods(message, SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD); ssh_message_reply_default(message); break; case SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PUBLICKEY: pubkey = publickey_to_string(ssh_message_auth_publickey(message)); //pk64 = g_base64_encode((const guchar *)ssh_string_to_char(pubkey), ssh_string_len(pubkey)); signature_state = ssh_message_auth_publickey_state(message); if(signature_state == SSH_PUBLICKEY_STATE_NONE) { /* no signature */ ssh_message_auth_reply_pk_ok_simple(message); break; } else if(signature_state != SSH_PUBLICKEY_STATE_VALID) { /* will be rejected later */ } else { /* signature is good at that point */ if(pubkey_auth(pk64)) { /* user is allowed */ ssh_message_auth_reply_success(message, 0); //ssh_message_free(message); return 1; } } /* the following is not necessary if we want only pubkey auth */ ssh_message_auth_set_methods(message,SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PUBLICKEY); /* reject authentication */ ssh_message_reply_default(message); break; case SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD: /* handle password auth if needed */ if(auth_password(ssh_message_auth_user(message), ssh_message_auth_password(message))) { ssh_message_auth_reply_success(message,0); ctx->bAuthenticated = true; //ssh_message_free(message); //return 1; } break; default: ssh_message_auth_set_methods(message,SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PUBLICKEY); ssh_message_reply_default(message); //ssh_message_free(message); break; } } break; case SSH_REQUEST_CHANNEL_OPEN: { int mn = ssh_message_subtype(message); switch(mn) { case SSH_CHANNEL_SESSION: { ctx->channel = ssh_message_channel_request_open_reply_accept(message); //ssh_message_free(message); } break; default: { ssh_message_reply_default(message); //ssh_message_free(message); } break; } } break; case SSH_REQUEST_CHANNEL: { int ity = ssh_message_subtype(message); switch(ity) { case SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST_SHELL: { ctx->shell = 1; ssh_message_channel_request_reply_success(message); } break; case SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST_PTY: ssh_message_channel_request_reply_success(message); break; default: ssh_message_reply_default(message); break; } } break; default: ssh_message_reply_default(message); //ssh_message_free(message); break; } } return 0; } void InitSets(SOCKET ListenSocket) { //Initialize FD_ZERO(&g_ReadSet); FD_ZERO(&g_WriteSet); FD_ZERO(&g_ExceptSet); //Assign the ListenSocket to Sets FD_SET(ListenSocket, &g_ReadSet); FD_SET(ListenSocket, &g_ExceptSet); FD_SET(ListenSocket, &g_WriteSet); } int pubkey_auth(char* pk64) { char header[100],key[300],footer[100]; int ret = 0; FILE *fp; fp = fopen(AUTHORIZED_KEYS,"r"); if(fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"\nCould not open authorized_keys file %s\n",AUTHORIZED_KEYS); return 0; } while(fgetc(fp) != EOF) { header[0] = '\0'; key[0] = '\0'; footer[0] = '\0'; fscanf(fp,"%s %s %s\n",header,key,footer); printf("\nkey = %s\n",key); if(strcmp(pk64,key) == 0) { ret = 1; break; } } fclose(fp); return ret; } int auth_password(const char *user, const char *password) { if(strcmp(user, SSHD_USER)) return 0; if(strcmp(password, SSHD_PASSWORD)) return 0; return 1; // authenticated } class cSessionData { public: cSessionData(INT nSessionId = 0): m_nTxBytes(0), m_nRxBytes(0) {}; ~cSessionData() {}; string m_strDataFromClient; string m_strDataToClient; INT m_nTxBytes; INT m_nRxBytes; }; std::map<INT , cSessionData *> m_mapSessionData; //int GetSshSessionAndChannel(void *Args); CRITICAL_SECTION m_csRead; CRITICAL_SECTION m_csProcess; class CThread01 { friend void *ThreadFunc01(void*); protected: enum { NOT_STARTED, RUNNING, FINISH_REQUESTED, FINISHED } m_stThread; HANDLE m_hThread; CRITICAL_SECTION m_csThread; BOOL m_bTerminateUnresponsive; virtual INT Body(void* args) { return 0; } public: CThread01() { m_hThread = NULL; m_stThread = NOT_STARTED; InitializeCriticalSection(&m_csThread); m_bTerminateUnresponsive = FALSE; } virtual ~CThread01(void) { } INT Start(void* args); INT Stop(void); BOOL StopRequest(void); }; void* ThreadFunc01(void* args) { void** p = (void**) args; CThread01* pTh = (CThread01*) p[0]; EnterCriticalSection(&pTh->m_csThread); pTh->m_stThread = pTh->RUNNING; LeaveCriticalSection(&pTh->m_csThread); pTh->Body(p[1]); EnterCriticalSection(&pTh->m_csThread); pTh->m_stThread = pTh->FINISHED; LeaveCriticalSection(&pTh->m_csThread); return ((void *) TRUE); } INT CThread01::Start(void *pThArgs) { INT nErr = 0; unsigned int u32ThId; void* pp[2] = {this, pThArgs}; LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pThFunc = (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ThreadFunc01; if( (m_stThread == NOT_STARTED) ||(m_stThread == FINISHED) ) { m_stThread = NOT_STARTED; EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); m_hThread =CreateThread( NULL, // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, // pointer to thread security attributes 0, // DWORD dwStackSize, pThFunc,//(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) SClkSrvThread,// pointer to thread function pp, // argument for new thread 0, // DWORD dwCreationFlags, (LPDWORD)&u32ThId// pointer to returned thread identifier ); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); if(m_hThread == NULL) nErr = GetLastError(); if(!nErr) { while(m_stThread == NOT_STARTED) Sleep(1); } } if(nErr) printf("Could not start CThread01"); return nErr; } INT CThread01::Stop(void) { INT nNumIterations; nNumIterations = 0; if(m_stThread == RUNNING) { m_stThread = FINISH_REQUESTED; while(m_stThread != FINISHED) { Sleep(1); nNumIterations++; if ((nNumIterations>200)) { TerminateThread(m_hThread, 0); m_stThread = FINISHED; } } } CloseHandle(m_hThread); m_hThread = NULL; return 0; } BOOL CThread01::StopRequest(void) { return true; } class cSShService: public CThread01 { public: cSShService() { }; virtual INT Body(void* args); virtual ~cSShService() { }; char* ReadData(INT ni); char* WriteData(INT ni, char *pData); }; INT cSShService::Body(void *pArgs) { bool bQuit = false; while(true) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); if(m_stThread == FINISH_REQUESTED) bQuit = true; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); if(bQuit) { break; } INT nConCount = 0; EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); nConCount = m_mapSessionData.size(); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); for (INT ni = 0; ni < nConCount; ni++) { char *pData = ReadData(ni); if(pData) { int nCnt = strlen(pData); if(nCnt > 0) { string strDt; strDt.insert(0, pData, nCnt); strDt += ("Session " + ni); WriteData(ni, (char *)strDt.c_str()); strDt.clear(); } } } Sleep(10); } return 0; } char* cSShService::ReadData(INT iIndex) { INT nConCount = 0; char Data[255] = {0}; EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); if(!m_mapSessionData[iIndex]->m_strDataFromClient.empty()) { m_mapSessionData[iIndex]->m_strDataFromClient.copy(Data, 255); m_mapSessionData[iIndex]->m_strDataFromClient.clear(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); return Data; } char* cSShService::WriteData(INT ni, char *pData) { int nSize = strlen(pData); EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); m_mapSessionData[ni]->m_strDataToClient.insert(0, pData, nSize); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); return 0; } class cSShProtocol: public CThread01 { public: cSShProtocol(INT nSessionID = 0); INT GetThreadState() { return m_stThread; } virtual INT Body(void* args); virtual ~cSShProtocol(); /*typedef int (cSShProtocol::*pMsgcb)(ssh_session, ssh_message, void *); pMsgcb cb_func; void SetCbFunction(pMsgcb pfunptr); void CallCbFunction(ssh_session, ssh_message, void *); int message_callback(ssh_session session, ssh_message message, void *data);*/ cSessionData *pSessionData; string m_strClientTxData; string m_strClientRxData; INT m_nTxBytes; INT m_nRxBytes; BOOL m_bConsole; INT m_nSessionId; }; cSShProtocol::cSShProtocol(INT nSessionID) : m_bConsole(FALSE), m_nTxBytes(0), m_nRxBytes(0), m_nSessionId(0) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); m_mapSessionData[nSessionID] = new cSessionData(); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); //pMsgcb = message_callback; //SetCbFunction(cSShProtocol::message_callback); //pSessionData = new cSessionData(); } //void cSShProtocol::SetCbFunction(pMsgcb pfunptr) //{ // cb_func = pfunptr; //} //void cSShProtocol::CallCbFunction(ssh_session session, ssh_message message, void *data) //{ // (this->*cb_func)(session, message, data); //} INT cSShProtocol::Body(void *pArgs) { ssh_session session = (ssh_session)pArgs; ssh_channel chan = 0; ssh_message message; int shell = 0; int u32TestTimer = 0; bool bQuit = false; int verbosity = SSH_LOG_PACKET; ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY, &verbosity ); //SOCKET sSock = ssh_get_fd(session); if(ssh_handle_key_exchange(session)) { printf("ssh_handle_key_exchange: %s\n",ssh_get_error(session)); return 3; } //ssh_bind_set_fd(sshbind, sSock); Context ctx; ctx.session = session; ctx.channel = 0; ctx.shell = 0; ctx.bAuthenticated = false; ssh_set_message_callback(session, message_callback, &ctx); ssh_set_blocking(session, 0); while(true) { InitSets(ssh_get_fd(session)); EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); if(m_stThread == FINISH_REQUESTED) bQuit = true; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); if(bQuit) { ssh_free(session); break; } //if (select(0, &g_ReadSet, &g_WriteSet, &g_ExceptSet, 0) > 0) { ssh_execute_message_callbacks(session); // PROCESS ALL MESSAGES FROM THE QUEUE /*if((ctx.bAuthenticated) && (!ctx.channel) && (!ctx.shell) ) { do { message = ssh_message_get(session);//pCon->session); if(message) { if(ssh_message_type(message) == SSH_REQUEST_CHANNEL_OPEN && ssh_message_subtype(message) == SSH_CHANNEL_SESSION) { ctx.channel = ssh_message_channel_request_open_reply_accept(message); ssh_message_free(message); break; } else { ssh_message_reply_default(message); ssh_message_free(message); } } else { break; } } while(!ctx.channel); if(!ctx.channel) { printf("Error: cleint did not ask for a channel session (%s)\n", ssh_get_error(session));//pCon->session)); ssh_finalize(); return 1; } //Wait for a session from ssh client do { message = ssh_message_get(session);//pCon->session); if(message != NULL) { if(ssh_message_type(message) == SSH_REQUEST_CHANNEL) { if(ssh_message_subtype(message) == SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST_SHELL) { ctx.shell = 1; ssh_message_channel_request_reply_success(message); ssh_message_free(message); break; } else if(ssh_message_subtype(message) == SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST_PTY) { ssh_message_channel_request_reply_success(message); ssh_message_free(message); continue; } } ssh_message_reply_default(message); ssh_message_free(message); } else { break; } } while(!ctx.shell); if(!ctx.shell) { printf("Error: No shell requested (%s)\n", ssh_get_error(session));//pCon->session)); return 1; } }*/ int nRxBytes = 0; string strInData; if(( ctx.channel != 0 ) && (ctx.shell == 1) ) { //while (ssh_channel_is_open(ctx.channel) && !ssh_channel_is_eof(ctx.channel)) if (ssh_channel_is_open(ctx.channel) && !ssh_channel_is_eof(ctx.channel)) { bool bStatus = false; EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); if(m_stThread == FINISH_REQUESTED) bStatus = true; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); if(bStatus) { ssh_channel_send_eof(ctx.channel); ssh_channel_close(ctx.channel); ssh_free(session);//pCon->session); return 0;//break; } /*u32TestTimer++; if(u32TestTimer >= 3000L) { u32TestTimer = 0; if(ssh_handle_key_exchange(session)) { printf("ssh_handle_key_exchange: %s\n",ssh_get_error(session)); return 3; } }*/ char pReadPt[255]; unsigned int iRxLen = 0; int iBytes = ssh_channel_read_nonblocking(ctx.channel, pReadPt, 255, 0); if(iBytes > 0) { strInData.insert(nRxBytes, pReadPt, iBytes); nRxBytes += iBytes; int iError = ssh_channel_write(ctx.channel, pReadPt, iBytes); if(iError == -1) printf("Error in writing SSH %s", ssh_get_error(session));//pCon->session)); } else { if(iBytes < 0) { message = ssh_message_get(session); int type = ssh_message_type(message); int type1 = ssh_message_subtype(message); printf("Client requested for close: BYtes are less than zero "); char *cError = new char[255]; cError = (char *)ssh_get_error(session); printf("\n Error = %s ", cError); ssh_channel_send_eof(ctx.channel); ssh_channel_close(ctx.channel); ssh_free(session);//pCon->session); EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); Stop(); //Once the connection is closed , exit the thread LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); break; } } if(!strInData.empty()) { std::size_t found = strInData.find('\r'); //Write Recieved data to buffer, so that main module picks up sent to DCU if(found != std::string::npos) { char *pPtr1 = "\n"; int nSize = strlen(pPtr1); int iError = ssh_channel_write(ctx.channel, pPtr1, iBytes); if(iError == -1) printf("Error in writing SSH %s", ssh_get_error(session));//pCon->session)); const char *pPtr = strInData.c_str(); int nLen = strInData.size(); EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); m_mapSessionData[m_nSessionId]->m_strDataFromClient.insert(0, pPtr, nLen); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); strInData.clear(); nRxBytes = 0; } } char Data[255] = {0}; int nc = 0; EnterCriticalSection(&m_csThread); if(!m_mapSessionData[m_nSessionId]->m_strDataToClient.empty()) { nc = m_mapSessionData[m_nSessionId]->m_strDataToClient.size(); m_mapSessionData[m_nSessionId]->m_strDataToClient.copy(Data, 255); m_mapSessionData[m_nSessionId]->m_strDataToClient.clear(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csThread); //char *pData = Data; if(nc) { //int nSize = strlen(pData); int iError = ssh_channel_write(ctx.channel, Data, nc); if(iError == -1) printf("Error in writing SSH %s", ssh_get_error(session));//pCon->session)); } Sleep(10); } } /*if(( ctx.channel != 0 ) && (ctx.shell == 1) ) { std::vector<char> buf(512, '\0'); if( ssh_channel_is_open(ctx.channel) && !ssh_channel_is_eof(ctx.channel) ) { int num = ssh_channel_read(ctx.channel, &buf[0], buf.size(), 0); if(num <= 0) { continue; } cout<<"Enter the SSH"; string str = string(&buf[0], num); cout<<str.c_str()<< std::endl; ssh_channel_write(ctx.channel, &buf[0], num); } }*/ } } // while(true) return 0; } cSShProtocol::~cSShProtocol() { } std::list<cSShProtocol *> m_Clients; int main(int argc, void *argv[]) { ssh_bind sshbind; int auth=0; int r; int port = 2000; int verbosity = SSH_LOG_PACKET; int session_count = 0; ssh_message message = 0; int shell=0; char ptr1[9999] = "WELCOME TO ABB SSH SERVER \n"; int *ptr = (int *)malloc(4); unsigned int uTxLen = 0; unsigned int uRxLen = 0; int iBytes = 0; int iError = -1; char *pReadPtr = (char *)malloc(255); ssh_session session; ssh_channel chan=0; cSShService *pSshService = new cSShService(); pSshService->Start(NULL); sshbind=ssh_bind_new(); ssh_bind_options_set(sshbind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BINDPORT,&port); ssh_bind_options_set(sshbind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_DSAKEY, KEYS_FOLDER "ssh_host_dsa_key"); ssh_bind_options_set(sshbind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_RSAKEY, KEYS_FOLDER "ssh_host_rsa_key"); if(ssh_bind_listen(sshbind)<0) { printf("Error listening to socket: %s\n",ssh_get_error(sshbind)); return 1; } int argc1 = argc; char **argv1 = (char **)argv; //ssh_options_getopt(session,&argc1,argv1); int icon = 0; while(true) { session = ssh_new(); r = ssh_bind_accept(sshbind,session); if(r==SSH_ERROR) { printf("error accepting a connection : %s\n",ssh_get_error(sshbind)); return 2; } if(icon > 2)//if(!m_Clients.empty()) //if connections are more than 5 simply close the first one { cSShProtocol *pProtocolHandleLocal = m_Clients.front(); INT iThreadSts = pProtocolHandleLocal->GetThreadState(); if(iThreadSts == 1) //if thread state is running then only close pProtocolHandleLocal->Stop(); delete pProtocolHandleLocal; m_Clients.pop_front(); } cSShProtocol *pProtocolHandle = new cSShProtocol(icon); //Loading the session pProtocolHandle->Start(session); m_Clients.push_back(pProtocolHandle); icon++; cout<<"Connection accepted:"<<icon<<endl; session = NULL; Sleep(1000); } return 0; } // //struct Arguments //{ // int argc; // char *argv[10]; //}Args; // //std::list<cSShProtocol *> m_Clients; // //int main(int argc, char **argv) //{ // HANDLE hThreadHandle = NULL; // DWORD dwThreadId = -1; // ssh_session session = NULL; // ssh_channel chan = 0; // ssh_bind sshbind = NULL; // int cnt = 0; // // Arguments *Args = new Arguments(); // Args->argc = argc; // // for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) // Args->argv[i] = *argv; // // //GetSshSessionAndChannel(Args); // // InitializeCriticalSection(&m_csRead); // // hThreadHandle = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&GetSshSessionAndChannel, Args, 0, &dwThreadId); // // while(1) // { // //if(_kbhit()) // //{ // // //} // //EnterCriticalSection(&m_csRead); // //if(!m_Clients.empty()) // //{ // //cnt = m_Clients.size(); // //if(cnt > 1) // //{ // //ssh_channel_send_eof(m_Clients.front()->chan); // //ssh_channel_close(m_Clients.front()->chan); // //ssh_free(m_Clients.front()->session); // //m_Clients.pop_front(); // //} // // //session = m_Clients.front()->session; // //chan = m_Clients.front()->chan; // //sshbind = m_Clients.front()->sshbind; // //} // //LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csRead); // // // //if(!m_Clients.empty()) // //if(session != NULL && chan != NULL) // //{ // /*if(m_Clients.size() > 1) // { // //ssh_channel_send_eof(m_Clients.front()->chan); // ssh_channel_close(m_Clients.front()->chan); // //ssh_free(m_Clients.front()->session); // m_Clients.pop_front(); // }*/ // // //if (ssh_channel_is_open(m_Clients.front()->chan) && !ssh_channel_is_eof(m_Clients.front()->chan)) // //if (ssh_channel_is_open(chan) && !ssh_channel_is_eof(chan)) // //{ // //char pReadPt[255]; // //unsigned int iRxLen = 0; // //int iBytes = ssh_channel_read_nonblocking(chan, pReadPt, 255, 0); // //if(iBytes > 0) // //{ // //int iError = ssh_channel_write(chan, pReadPt, iBytes); // //if(iError == -1) // //printf("Error in writing SSH %s", ssh_get_error(session)); // //} // //} // //else // //{ // //ssh_channel_close(chan); // //ssh_free(session); // //ssh_bind_free(sshbind); // //ssh_finalize(); // //break; // //} // //} // // char input = NULL; // bool bStatus = false; // printf("I am in main thread\n"); // cout<<"Enter Q or q for 'Quit' "; // cin>>input; // // if(input == 'q' || input == 'Q') // { // Sleep(500); // TerminateThread(hThreadHandle, 0); // bStatus = true; // } // // Sleep(1000); // if(bStatus) // break; // } // // return 0; //} // //int GetSshSessionAndChannel(void *pArgs) //{ // ssh_bind sshbind; // int auth=0; // int r; // int port = 2000; // int verbosity = SSH_LOG_PACKET; // int session_count = 0; // ssh_message message = 0; // int shell=0; // char ptr1[9999] = "WELCOME TO ABB SSH SERVER \n";//(char *) malloc(10); // int *ptr = (int *)malloc(4); // unsigned int uTxLen = 0; // unsigned int uRxLen = 0; // int iBytes = 0; // int iError = -1; // char *pReadPtr = (char *)malloc(255); // ssh_session session; // ssh_channel chan=0; // Arguments *Args1 = (Arguments *)pArgs; // //cConnection *pConnection; // // //g_thread_init(NULL); // // //ssh_threads_set_callbacks(ssh_threads_get_pthread()); // if(ssh_init() == -1) // { // printf("\nError initializing ssh: ssh_init() failed"); // exit(1); // } // // sshbind=ssh_bind_new(); // //session = (ssh_session *) ssh_new(); // //session = ssh_new(); // // ssh_bind_options_set(sshbind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BINDPORT,&port); // ssh_bind_options_set(sshbind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_DSAKEY, KEYS_FOLDER "ssh_host_dsa_key"); // ssh_bind_options_set(sshbind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_RSAKEY, KEYS_FOLDER "ssh_host_rsa_key"); // // if(ssh_bind_listen(sshbind)<0) // { // printf("Error listening to socket: %s\n",ssh_get_error(sshbind)); // return 1; // } // // while(1) // { // //session[session_count]=ssh_new(); // //ssh_options_getopt(session[session_count],&argc,argv); // //r=ssh_bind_accept(sshbind,session[session_count]); // // session=ssh_new(); // int argc = Args1->argc; // char **argv = Args1->argv; // ssh_options_getopt(session,&argc,argv); // r=ssh_bind_accept(sshbind,session); // if(r==SSH_ERROR) // { // printf("error accepting a connection : %s\n",ssh_get_error(sshbind)); // return 2; // } // // IN_ADDR *addr; // SOCKET sSock = ssh_get_fd(session); // SOCKADDR *pName = new SOCKADDR; // int iLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR); // int iErr = getpeername(sSock, pName, &iLen); // addr = (IN_ADDR *)&pName->sa_data[2]; // char *ip = NULL; // // if(iErr != 0) // printf("Error in reading"); // else // { // ip = inet_ntoa(*addr); // // printf("Socket Connected From %s\n", ip); // //inet_addr(pName); // //inet_ntop(AF_INET, &name.sin_addr, buf, sizeof buf); // } // // // // //ssh_options_get( // // //pConnection = new cConnection(); // //ssh_options_set(session[session_count], SSH_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY, &verbosity ); // //ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY, &verbosity ); // //if(ssh_handle_key_exchange(session[session_count])) // if(ssh_handle_key_exchange(session)) // { // //printf("ssh_handle_key_exchange: %s\n",ssh_get_error(session[session_count])); // printf("ssh_handle_key_exchange: %s\n",ssh_get_error(session)); // return 3; // } // // /* public key authentication */ // //auth = authenticate_user(session[session_count]); // auth = authenticate_user(session); // if(!auth) // { // //printf("auth error: %s\n",ssh_get_error(session[session_count])); // printf("auth error: %s\n",ssh_get_error(session)); // //ssh_disconnect(session[session_count]); // ssh_disconnect(session); // return 4; // } // //g_thread_create(server_thread,session[session_count],FALSE,NULL); // session_count++; // // ////Wait for a session and channel request from client // //do // //{ // // message = ssh_message_get(session); // // if(message) // // { // // if(ssh_message_type(message) == SSH_REQUEST_CHANNEL_OPEN && ssh_message_subtype(message) == SSH_CHANNEL_SESSION) // // { // // chan = ssh_message_channel_request_open_reply_accept(message); // // ssh_message_free(message); // // break; // // } // // else // // { // // ssh_message_reply_default(message); // // ssh_message_free(message); // // } // // } // // else // // { // // break; // // } // //} while(!chan); // // // //if(!chan) // //{ // // printf("Error: cleint did not ask for a channel session (%s)\n", ssh_get_error(session)); // // ssh_finalize(); // // return 1; // //} // // ////Wait for a session from ssh client // //do // //{ // // message = ssh_message_get(session); // // if(message != NULL) // // { // // if(ssh_message_type(message) == SSH_REQUEST_CHANNEL) // // { // // if(ssh_message_subtype(message) == SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST_SHELL) // // { // // shell = 1; // // ssh_message_channel_request_reply_success(message); // // ssh_message_free(message); // // break; // // } // // else if(ssh_message_subtype(message) == SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST_PTY) // // { // // ssh_message_channel_request_reply_success(message); // // ssh_message_free(message); // // continue; // // } // // } // // ssh_message_reply_default(message); // // ssh_message_free(message); // // } // // else // // { // // break; // // } // //} while(!shell); // // // //if(!shell) // //{ // // printf("Error: No shell requested (%s)\n", ssh_get_error(session)); // // return 1; // //} // // ////char *ClientReq = "Enter Password: "; // ////CHAR ptr = 'a'; // ////unsigned char char1 = 'a'; // //uTxLen = strlen(ptr1); // //iBytes = ssh_channel_write(chan, ptr1, uTxLen); // // // //if(iBytes < 0) // // printf("Error: Channel write failed -- (%s)\n", ssh_get_error(session)); // //else // //{ // // printf("Error: Channel write Successful -- (%s)\n"); // // //iError = ssh_channel_send_eof(chan); // // //if(iError < 0) // // //printf("Error: Channel write failed eof -- (%s)\n", ssh_get_error(session)); // //} // // if(session != NULL) // { // cSShProtocol *pPtr; // if(!m_Clients.empty()) // { // pPtr = m_Clients.front(); // pPtr->Stop(); // delete pPtr; // m_Clients.pop_front(); // } // // } // // /*pConnection->sshbind = sshbind; // pConnection->chan = chan; // pConnection->session = session; // pConnection->m_bChannelClosingRequest = false;*/ // // //cSShProtocol *pProtocolHandle = new cSShProtocol(pConnection); // cSShProtocol *pProtocolHandle = new cSShProtocol(); // m_Clients.push_back(pProtocolHandle); // //pProtocolHandle->Start(pConnection); // pProtocolHandle->Start(session); // // // /* // EnterCriticalSection(&m_csRead); // m_Clients.push_back(pConnection); // LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csRead); // */ // // /*while (ssh_channel_is_open(chan) && !ssh_channel_is_eof(chan)) // { // char *pReadPt = (char *)malloc(255); // unsigned int iRxLen = 0; // iBytes = ssh_channel_read(chan, ptr1, uTxLen, 0); // }*/ // // session = NULL; // chan = 0; // // Sleep(2000); // // }//While(1) // // return 0; //}
RE: SSH.dll crash problem | alvesfonseca@xxxxxxxxxxxx |
FW: SSH.dll crash problem | Ravikumar Sunkari <Ravikumar.Sunkari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |