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Re: include libssh into a Qt project

On Wednesday, December 08, 2010 01:42:21 pm you wrote:
> Giovanni Venturi schrieb:
> > On Wednesday, December 08, 2010 10:49:12 am you wrote:
> >> On Wednesday, December 08, 2010 09:52:52 you wrote:
> >>> Hello,
> >> 
> >> Hi Giovanni,
> >> 
> >>> I was using libssh into a Nokia Qt Project. Under Linux I have no
> >>> problem. I compile, it links and it works. Under Linux I donwloaded the
> >>> file as suggested on the website but I don't know how to use them.
> >>> 
> >>> My project.pro file is the following:
> >>>  unix {
> >>>  
> >>>   LIBS += -lssh
> >>> 
> >>> }
> >>> 
> >>>  win32 {
> >>>  
> >>>   LIBS += -Llib/libssh_static.a -lssh
> >>>   
> >>>   INCLUDEPATH += include
> >>> 
> >>> }
> >> 
> >> I don't know not qmake works but you should only define one library, the
> >> shared or the static one. However, if you want to link against the
> >> static library you have to define LIBSSH_STATIC.
> >> 
> >> Regards,
> >> 
> >> 	-- andreas
> > 
> > I prefer use dynamic library. How do I fix win32 part?
> > 
> > Giovanni
> Hello Giovanni,
> You should put directory "libssh" with headers files in "include" dir
> from mingw. For  dynamic linking you should put file "libssh.dll.a" in
> "lib" dir from mingw. After that you can link your project with -lssh on
> windows in the same way as on linux. You don't need specify
What do you exactly mean with "put the file libssh.fll.a in lib dir from mingw"?

This is the project tree:

[ksniffer@arch-laptop ~]$ tree development/programs/Qt/QDeployer
|-- bin
|   `-- libssh.dll
|-- deployerui.cpp
|-- deployerui.h
|-- filesystemtreeview.cpp
|-- filesystemtreeview.h
|-- images
|   |-- new.png
|   |-- open.png
|   `-- save.png
|-- include
|   `-- libssh
|       |-- callbacks.h
|       |-- libssh.h
|       |-- server.h
|       |-- sftp.h
|       `-- ssh2.h
|-- lib
|   |-- libssh.dll.a
|   `-- libssh_static.a
|-- lineedit.cpp
|-- lineedit.h
|-- main.cpp
|-- mainwindow.cpp
|-- mainwindow.h
|-- packagetree.cpp
|-- packagetree.h
|-- projectview.cpp
|-- projectview.h
|-- qdeployer_it.ts
|-- QDeployer.pro
|-- qdeployer.qrc
|-- settings.cpp
|-- settings.h
|-- sha2.c
|-- sha2.h
|-- sshmanager.cpp
|-- sshmanager.h
|-- textedit.cpp
|-- textedit.h
|-- TODO
|-- treewidgetitem.cpp
|-- treewidgetitem.h
`-- version.h

6 directories, 48 files

If I use just:

LIBS += -lssh

it doesn't find -lssh.


Re: include libssh into a Qt projectOleksandr Shneyder <oleksandr.shneyder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
include libssh into a Qt projectGiovanni Venturi <giovanni.venturi@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: include libssh into a Qt projectGiovanni Venturi <giovanni.venturi@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: include libssh into a Qt projectOleksandr Shneyder <oleksandr.shneyder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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